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英文名:Wenzhou-Kean University 简称:“WKU”,“温州肯恩大学(筹)” 所在地:温州 院校代码:16405 类型:综合类

  • 温州肯恩大学外国语言文学类(中外合作办学)专业


外国语言文学类下设: 英语专业(国际英语教学方向)

ENG 3380 Literature of the Holocaust (3)
A study of Holocaust literature as history, memory, and art.
Prerequisite: ENG 1030 or equivalent

ENG 3500 The Art of Poetry (3)
Study of the art of poetry with emphasis on modes of interpretation and cross-cultural comparisons.
Prerequisite: ENG 1030 or equivalent

ENG 3502 The Bible as Literature (3) 
Study of the literary forms of the Old and New Testaments and their influences on Western literature.

ENG 3506 Modern British and American Poetry: 1900-1950 (3)
The genesis of modern poetry, its major characteristics, and its relation to the poetic tradition.

ENG 3507 Contemporary British and American Poetry: 1950 to Present (3)
An exploration of the most significant developments in British and American poetry since 1950.

ENG 3510 Aspects of the Novel (3) 
Such novelists as Joyce, Gide, Kafka, Lawrence, Hemingway, Faulkner, and Woolf, studied in relation to their antecedents in the realistic novel of the 19th century.

ENG 3514 American Drama from 1900 to the Present (3)
A study of plays by American playwrights from 1900 to the present. Attendance at theatrical productions required. Fees may be required for off-campus productions.
Prerequisites: ENG 1030 or equivalent, ENG 2403 or equivalent

ENG 3515 Modern Drama (3) 
An examination of themes and forms of modern drama from Ibsen to the present.
Prerequisite: ENG 1030 or equivalent, ENG 2403 or equivalent.

ENG 3516 Dramatic Literature in Performance (3)
A study of the current New York season of plays from various periods. Emphasis on drama as literary text and on the transformation from the page to the stage. Students will read, see, discuss, and write about each play. Student discounted tickets are available with identification. Transportation by train from campus.

ENG 3517 Biography (3)
Study of biography in its various manifestations from ancient times to the present.

ENG 3525 Literary Theory and Criticism (3)
Reading and examination of literary theory and criticism: its history and an overview of contemporary modes of literary studies.
Prerequisite: ENG 2000 or permission of instructor. 

ENG 3530 The Short Story (3)
The history, theory, and practice of the European and American short story.

ENG 3540 The American Short Story in Film (3)
Analyses of representative American short stories from Hawthorne to Updike and study of films based upon them.
Writing Emphasis Course
Prerequisite: ENG 1030 or equivalent

ENG 3555 Comedy (3)
An analysis of the form and structure of comic drama from Aristophanes to Neil Simon.

ENG 3600 Honors Course in Modern Literature (3)
Honors course for qualified students who will be expected to study selected literary works dating from the late nineteenth century to the present. 
Prerequisite: B Average

ENG 3601 Honors Poetry (3)
Examination of the corpus, origins, and use of poetry. Stresses poems as prisms of a period and culture along with their relation to social currents of our time. Emphasis is on major, significant, or revealing poems far ranging in time and place.

ENG 3603 Honors Course in Classical Greek and Roman Literature in Translation (3)
Classical Greek and Roman literature, with emphasis on the development of genres and on issues of race, gender, and class. May be taken in place of, but not in addition to, ENG 3300.
Prerequisite: “B” average or better

ENG 3700 African-American Women Writers (3)
An overview of the literature created by African American women from colonial days to modern times, emphasizing their response to social, cultural, and artistic marginalization and the power and merit of their work.
Prerequisite: ENG 2403 or equivalent

ENG 3716 British Women Writers: A Critical Perspective (3)
Selected British women writers from several critical perspectives. Writing Emphasis Course
Prerequisites: ENG 2000 and ENG 2403 or equivalent

ENG 3723 The American Jewish Novelist and the Modern World (3)
An in-depth study of several Jewish-American novelists who have helped to shape and reflect contemporary literature and contemporary social and psychological consciousness.

ENG 3725 Ethnic American Literature (3)
Study of African, Asian/Pacific, Hispanic, Native American, and other ethnic American literature.
Prerequisite: ENG 1030 or equivalent ENG 2403 or equivalent or permission of instructor.

ENG 3750 Writers of the Asian Diaspora (3)
A critical examination of literature by writers of the Asian diaspora, particularly in the United States, with an emphasis on colonial histories and cultural and ethnic representations.
Prerequisite: ENG 2403 and equivalent courses, or permission of instructor

ENG 4081 Introduction to Electronic Literature (3)
Study of established and emerging forms of electronic literature including hypertext fiction, network fiction, interactive works, and digital poetry. Students read, analyze, and compose a variety of genres of electronic literature.
Prerequisites: ENG 3080 or permission of instructor

ENG 4301 Contemporary Caribbean Women Writers in English & English Translation (3)
Study of selected contemporary Caribbean women writers in English and English translation.
Prerequisite: ENG 2403 or equivalent or permission of instructor

ENG 4350 Contemporary Literature (3)
A critical study of contemporary world literature, from the 1960s on with an emphasis on literature of American and British origin.
Prerequisites: ENG 2000 and ENG 2403 or equivalent

ENG 4400 Chaucer (3)
Development of Chaucer's artistic genius from the early poems through Troilus and Criseyde and The Canterbury Tales as the final synthesis of the medieval world, with attention to the language, versification, literary characteristics, and historical background.

ENG 4405 Shakespeare: Selected Plays (3)
A detailed analysis of texts, sources, analogues, and criticism of a limited number of plays.
Prerequisite: ENG 3215

ENG 4410 Milton (3)
Milton's poetry and prose, with emphasis on critical analysis and scholarly problems and the philosophical, religious and political thought of the seventeenth century in England.

ENG 4413 William Blake (3)
Intensive reading of selected lyrics and prophetic poems, with special emphasis on Blake as visionary writer in his cultural context (and in ours).

ENG 4415 Poe, Hawthorne and Melville (3)
The poetry, fiction, and criticism of the three writers with special emphasis on literary, biographical and historical data.
Prerequisite: ENG 2220 (recommended) or ENG 2221

ENG 4417 Henry James (3)
The fiction of Henry James with emphasis on the development of his art, critical analysis of important selected works, examination of his contributions to the genres of the novel and short story.
Prerequisite: ENG 2221 or permission of instructor

ENG 4419 Edith Wharton (3)

Intensive reading of Wharton's fiction, with special attention to her intellectual and artistic formation and her place in the development of the novel.
Prerequisites: ENG 2403 or equivalent.
Writing Emphasis Course

ENG 4420 Fitzgerald, Faulkner, and Hemingway (3)
The major fiction of the writers with emphasis on literary, biographical and historical values.
Prerequisite: ENG 2220 or ENG 2221 (recommended).

ENG 4421 Tennessee Williams: Poet of the Theater (3)
Study of the major plays, as well as the poetry, short fiction, and film scripts.
Prerequisite: Eng 1030 (or equivalent) and junior or senior status. 

ENG 4425 Eugene O'Neill: The Major Plays (3)
Intensive study of the plays in terms of O'Neill's experimentation with dramatic structure, themes, and characterization, which laid the foundation for modern American drama.
Prerequisites: ENG 1030 or equivalent, and Junior or Senior status

ENG 4430 Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov, and Shaw (3)
Representative plays of these four major figures.

ENG 4462 Emily Dickinson (3)
Intensive critical and historical exploration of the poetry and correspondence of Emily Dickinson.
Prerequisite: ENG 2000 and ENG 2403 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

ENG 4500 Three Masters of Modern Poetry (3)
An intensive study of three major twentieth century figures such as Yeats, Pound, Eliot, Williams, or Stevens.
Prerequisite: Three credits of poetry.

ENG 4600 Senior Honors Seminar (3)
Individual and intensive reading and investigation in a selected area of literature or language, proposed by the student, and culminating in either a thesis or a creative project.
Prerequisites: Senior status, English major. Qualified juniors may enroll in the seminar with permission of the Department. May be substituted for ENG 4800 as required seminar. Credit not given for both ENG 4600 and ENG 4800.
Writing Emphasis Course

ENG 4620 Honors Course in Robert Frost (3)
A close reading of Frost's poetry supplemented by criticism and Frost's biography.
Prerequisite: B average or Better 

ENG 4630 Honors Course in James Joyce (3)
The major works of Joyce, from Dubliners to selections from Finnegan's Wake, with emphasis on the development of Joyce's art.
Prerequisite: B average or better

ENG 4655 Honors Course in American Autobiography (3)
Study of American autobiographical writing from the Puritans to the present. Emphasis on life writing in its various forms, including the conversion narrative, captivity narrative, slave narrative, memoir, and non-fiction novel.
Prerequisite: 3.0 GPA and permission from professor.

ENG 4800 Senior English Seminar (3)
Intensive study of literature, language, and/or literary criticism, culminating in a substantial critically informed research paper on a topic of the student's choosing.
Prerequisite: Senior English major or permission


ENG 4805, 4806  Publishing Field Experience (3, 6)

Supervised placement in a publishing house to learn the rudiments of the publishing trade. 
Prerequisite: Selection by English Department and instructor.

ENG 4810, 4811, 4812 Independent Study for English Majors (1, 2, or 3)
Opportunity for English majors of advanced ability to pursue in a concentrated manner a specific area of study in literature, language, or writing not available through current course offerings. Approximately 45 hours of supervised work required for each credit hour. May be repeated for credit. Only six credits may be applied toward graduation.
Prerequisites: Twelve credits in English or permission of instructor

ENG 4910, 4911 Journalism Field Experience (3, 6)
Supervised placement at a daily or weekly newspaper, a monthly magazine, or a comparable publication to write news or feature stories under deadline.
Prerequisites: ENG 2920 and ENG 3915


  • 外国语言文学类(中外合作办学)专业历届分数情况

温州肯恩大学 外国语言文学类(中外合作办学) 专业录取分数线
  • 招生年份:
  • 2016
年份 招生地区 文理分科 平均分 最高分 录取批次
2016 山东 理科 588 0 一批
2016 贵州 文科 555 0 一批
2016 山东 文科 555 0 一批
2016 湖北 理科 549 0 一批
2016 湖北 文科 545 0 一批
2016 辽宁 理科 540 0 一批
2016 重庆 理科 535 0 一批
2016 辽宁 文科 525 0 一批
2016 贵州 理科 483 0 一批
  • 详细地址:
  • 电话:
    招生办 Admission Office :%u0030%u0035%u0037%u0037-%u0035%u0035%u0038%u0037%u0030%u0031%u0031%u0035
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东北师范大学人文学院外国语言文学类(中外合作办学) 上海理工大学外国语言文学类(中外合作办学) 宁波诺丁汉大学外国语言文学类(中外合作办学) 青岛大学外国语言文学类(中外合作办学) 天津师范大学外国语言文学类(中外合作办学) 西交利物浦大学外国语言文学类(中外合作办学)
其他地区 热门标签 常见问题

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